Busy at work and play

I was lamenting the first lawn mowing of the year, because it marks just the beginning of a long season of lawn mowing whether we like it or not. Today was actually a perfect day for it, though - sunny with a little breeze. I also find lawn-mowing to be rather therapeutic once I'm into it, so it ended up not being so bad. :)

This is the first year since we had kids, that Mark and I could actually get a fair amount of work done outside. Up until now, one of us would have to mind the kids while the other worked, so we'd end up taking turns. Today, as I was mowing the backyard, Mark started Kira up on weed-pulling from our planter box on the back deck, while he worked on repairing our fence (Calvin held the screws for him and dispensed them one by one).

Of course, to do any significant amount of weeding, you need to wear a tiara!

Once I finished mowing the backyard, I helped Kira plant some seeds (I took the kids on an "outing" to the gardening store last weekend when it was miserably rainy out). She wanted to watch her plants grow, but I had to warn her that it could take several weeks before we see anything!

Meanwhile, Mark started pruning the trees. Calvin helped collect the fallen branches. Here he is, sporting his new & cool shades to do the job:

Off to continue on the front lawn, where we managed to mow, prune, and weed some more. The kids had to run across the street (with Mark or I, of course. No heart attacks, please!) to talk to the neighbours, and they needed a little popsicle break for all of their hard work. Oh, and Kira also needed a wardrobe change by then:

Sure it takes double the amount of time it would normally take in our pre-kid years, but there's far more entertainment value in yard work with the kids!
